Why are shuttlecock feathers from the left-wing?

shuttlecock feathers

To make a feather shuttlecock, there is a common misconception that only the left-wing feathers of a goose or duck may be used. The angle where the feathered stalk is put into the cork base determines the speed and direction of rotational spin, not the wing selection of the feather.

When we crush geese or duck’s left wing’s 16 feathers into a shuttlecock, it spins clockwise. Using the extreme right feathers of a goose, on the other hand, causes a counterclockwise spin on your shuttlecock. As players were used to clockwise spin, there was no set norm.

If you are interested in the shuttlecock-making process. Check out the following article.

Why shuttlecock feathers from the left wing?

Why shuttlecock feathers from the left-wing, the shuttle is would wobble if we mixed, say, eight feathers from the left-wing and eight feathers from the right-wing. A counterclockwise movement would be achieved by combining, say, 14 from the left and two from the right wing. But the quality of flying would be compromised.

Feather shuttles can be more precisely controlled. When you strike them, they’ll follow your path perfectly. The plastic shuttle’s cork is heavier, and its wings aren’t balanced like feathers, so it tends to fly inaccurately. As soon as they strike their target, their trajectory begins to change. Why shuttlecock is feathers from the left-wing, “the shuttle can spin or fly more consistently because of the curves and curve of the left feathers,” he stated. To accommodate a left-winged feather, “lower-grade shuttles” are constructed from goose and duck feathers.

It is because of this that just the left-wing feather are employed, which sets the usual spin and flying characteristics,

Why does a shuttlecock have 16 feathers?

Why does the shuttlecock have 16 feathers, Numerous tests have been carried out to find the optimal number of feathers for maximum drag, spin, & flight, and it was found that using 16 feathers offered the most outstanding results in badminton.

Duck feather shuttlecock

Shuttlecocks can only be made with six feathers from each wing. Duck feather shuttlecock is harvested from live geese, which are much more than needed. In comparison to having your hair yanked out in clumps, each feather pluck causes the excruciating bird agony. Live birds are harmed in the process of making shuttlecock feathers for badminton. In badminton, for example, the shuttlecocks are made of real duck or goose feathers and used in the game.

By Afaq Cheema

Sports blogger.