What are the official rules of table tennis? Explained in the easiest manner.

table tennis rules

What are the official rules of table tennis? Hmmm… sounds dull. It should be because where ever the word “rule’’ comes, it’s anticipated that it will sketch boundaries around us. It’s true but it’s also good to some extent. Without rules, this world would have turned into an uncle’s house. I will try my best to describe you as easily as I can. Rules and regulations of ping pong are to maintain fairness and high standards.

If you want a detailed overview of the rules of table tennis serve. Do check my following article!

How is table tennis played?

Below is how to play table tennis rules explain the following topics.

  • Table tennis scoring rules
  • Table tennis serve rules
  • Basic table tennis rules brainly or how is table tennis played:

Table tennis scoring rules:

A player needs to score 11 points to win a set in table tennis. 11 points for winning a set is not fixed but it’s the limit. A player has to be ahead at least two points to win the set. If the set situation is 10-11, the set will be extended until there is two points difference like 12-14.

How many rounds in table tennis? There are different numbers of sets or rounds in a table tennis match. Generally, a single’s match has 7 sets and the winner of 4 sets is declared the winner. A doubles match has 5 sets and the winning team of 3 sets wins the match.

To score in a game, the player has to deceive the opponent player. The same is the case with table tennis, a player has to hit the ball in a way that the opponent player can’t return the ball. If the player is unable to return the ball, the point will be scored.

The point will be awarded to the opponent player if the net blocks the shot of the player or it drops out of the playing area. The opponent player will also get the point if the ball touches any other part of the body while playing the shot.

In doubles format, these main rules of table tennis become a little complicated. Like, if players have to attempt shots alternately. If a team disturbs the pattern of shots, the referee will award the point to the opposite team.

Official rules of table tennis serve:

Basic rules of table tennis serve vary in their formats. Firstly, serve rules for table tennis singles will be detailed.

  • There is no restriction on serving diagonally in table tennis singles. A player can serve anywhere, he wants on the table.
  • There will be two serves for each player before alternating.
  • Use the open palm to pitch the ball into the air.
  • The ball must be pitched at least 16cm into the air.
  • Pitch the ball vertically into the air. There can be some angle but it should not be above 15 degrees according to my observation.
  • A player can’t hit the ball when it’s going up in the air. It must be hit when it’s descending from the highest point.
  • A player must not interfere with the sight of the other player like his free arm and hand must be out of the ball’s sight.
  • During the whole process of service, the player must be behind the table while hitting the ball or pitching the ball.
  • When the serve is traveling towards the opponent’s half, it must bounce in the court of the server and then in the court of the receiver.
  • If a serve touches the net, it will be defined as let serve and be considered null and void.

Table tennis serve rules for doubles:

All the rest of the rules are the same in table tennis doubles except for two rules.

  • The serve in table tennis doubles must be diagonal. Diagonal serve means the serve must be served from the right-hand side of the table to the right-hand side of the other team’s table.
  • The pattern of serve in doubles is complicated. At the change of the serve, the prior receiver of the serve changes to the new server, and the prior server’s teammate becomes the new receiver. This rotation comes back after 8 points.

Basic rules of table tennis brainly:

  • As I have mentioned above, when a player has a two points lead, the round will be complete. 10-10 situation is deuce. In this scenario, each player gets one serve and must take a lead of two points to win the round.
  • A table can be of any material but must have a bounce of at least 23cm dropping from 30cm height.
  • A match is played under ensured level playing rules. Each player must get an equal chance. Like, in the final round, there must be a change of ends when one player reaches 5 points.
  • A player can’t hit the ball until it lands in his half. In tennis players can play these shots when the ball is in the air, these are called volleys. Simply, volleys are prohibited in table tennis.
  • If a player plays a shot and it hits the opponent’s side and comes back without touching the bat, it will the point of the hitter. It usually happens due to the spin of the ball.
  • If a player’s playing hand touches the ball, it will be okay. Table tennis considers fingers and the wrist, bat hand.
  • A player’s free hand touches the table and the table moves a little bit, it will be the point of the opponent. So, touching the table is vulnerable.
  • The playing surface includes the horizontal table sides even the edges but does not consist of the vertical sides of the table. The ball hitting on vertical sides will cause a point.
  • If a player double hits the ball unintentionally. It will be okay. But intentional doing will give a point to the opponent.
  • If something extraordinary happens during a rally, the referee can rollover the point. Like, some external interference.
  • There is also a restriction on the number of ads on a player’s uniform. There can only be two ads on the back of the jersey.
  • The uniform must not match the color of the ball.
  • In the rules for table tennis doubles, the player rotation must happen while playing shots. Like, the player who played a shot will not play the next returned shot but has to be played by his teammate and vice versa. In simple words, a player can’t play two consecutive shots.


These rules of table tennis singles and doubles are for maintaining the decorum of the game. So, follow the official rules of table tennis to expedite your joy.

By Afaq Cheema

Sports blogger.