How to play ping pong doubles? Strategies | Rules

ping pong doubles

Who doesn’t like to play a fun game of ping pong in their spare time? Some of us might even like to get together with some friends, family members, or co-workers and play doubles against one another! In this article, we will go over the basics of how to play ping pong doubles as well as discuss some strategies and other relevant tips that are sure to help you enjoy the experience much more than you would have otherwise!

Before getting into the method of playing ping pong double game certain aspects need to be discussed first. Let’s get the details.

Every game has its own rules that players have to follow to become experts in that game. Same for ping pong, also known as table tennis doubles.

To read a detailed article about this. Check out!

Ping pong doubles rules

  • In a ping pong game, a team of two players will compete against another team. Each player serves for every odd number game and each alternate serve for even number games.
  • The server must have one foot behind the baseline before serving.
  • There is no restriction on which side of their body you serve. However, players cannot switch their sides after deciding in the beginning.
  • There is also a slight change in table tennis double service rules. Each player serves once per game and no lets are allowed. At least one of a team’s players must hit each ball before a side can score, though you can only score when serving. If your partner is unable to return it, they can call you in. You will then become an attacker and have three chances, or ‘aces’.
  • Both teams can begin playing by striking first with any part of their racket overhand above waist height. If your opponent misses their shot, you score a point.
  • If your opponent hits it back to you but fails to return it beyond halfway down your side of the table, then they score a point.
  • A match consists of best-of-five sets, where each set consists of seven points. The winner is determined by who wins four sets out of five.
  • If a player does not strike at it, or if their racket touches a ball that has already passed them, then it is considered a fault and a point will be given.

How to get points in doubles ping pong?

There are also different points in the doubles table tennis game. Each game is worth ten points. However, a point isn’t just a point—it’s two. The winner of each game receives ten points (1 point for their serving team plus 1 point for receiving team), and then there are bonus points awarded depending on how many serves remain in that particular game. Let me tell you how to get points in doubles table tennis. There are two ways of getting points in a ping-pong double game.

  1. The first is by serving and winning a point, which earns you one point for your team.
  2. The second is by returning serve and winning a rally, which earns you two points for your team. You can only win a rally if your opponent fails to return serve or commits an error. A common error is when you fail to hit it back over the net within three seconds of receiving service. In that case, it’s considered an automatic winner—you don’t even have to hit it!

Ping pong doubles playing method:

After you comprehend each rule and strategy. Now it’s time to dive into the game by knowing exactly how to play ping pong doubles. To start the doubles game:

  • Play ping pong double with a trainee.
  • Decide who will serve first. Whoever wins will be serving first in all of your games.
  • Serve with your right hand.
  • The ball must bounce twice on your side of the table before it can be returned by your partner.
  • Your partner will return it, and then you’ll hit it back again before it bounces a third time on his or her side of the table.
  • If you miss, you lose a point! And if the opponent misses, they lose a point!
  • After you’ve served, your partner will serve.
  • If opponent hits it into your side of the table, they get a point! If you hit it back into their side of the table, you get a point! Then, they’ll serve again.
  • When you win a point, you’ll get to serve again. When your partner wins a point, he will get to serve again.
  • The first person or team to 11 points wins! If you’re playing with more than two people, keep track of how many games each player has won.

What should be the ping pong doubles strategy?

Ping pong doubles strategy is slightly different from when you’re playing singles. Here are some basic techniques that you can employ to win the doubles table tennis.

  • First, try to keep track of where both of your opponents are at all times. This means you have to pay attention not only to what’s happening on your side of the table but also on both sides of it!
  • Second, make quick decisions about which ball should go back where; you won’t always have time to ask for help from your partner before making a decision.
  • Third, remember that when you win a point in ping pong doubles, your team gets two points instead of one. So don’t forget to celebrate with your partner after winning a point!
  • And finally, remember that there are no rules against getting help from your partner during ping pong doubles games.


Doubles ping pong is more exciting than singles ping pong. By utilizing a few fundamental methods, this article has clearly shown how to play ping pong doubles. Now is your chance to enter the Guinness Book of World Records as the best table tennis double game player.

By Afaq Cheema

Sports blogger.