Forehand topspin table tennis technique | Video tutorial

forehand topspin

Table tennis is a very pacy game and most of the time that speed comes due to the use of the forehand topspin table tennis technique. Topspin is basic in table tennis to learn because it is used the most. We will discuss this shot as an important shot because without it, your chances of enforcing an error to the opponent decrease.

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How to do topspin in table tennis

Topspin is the most used technique in table tennis. To play a topspin shot, you play the stroke in a manner that your paddle moves upwards than forwards. The paddle should only brush the ball. The amount of topspin varies with the speed of brushing. This is an offensive stroke to put the opponent under pressure. A player usually plays it against the backspin and attacks to enforce an error.

Table tennis forehand topspin teaching points

Under this heading, I’ll teach you the important instructions needed for a ping pong player to learn forehand topspin.

  • Your feet should be slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Your body should be angled a little bit with your right foot behind your left foot.
  • Your racket face should be slightly closed.
  • Your paddle movement should start from the waist height.
  • Play the shot in front of your body.
  • When you are ready to hit, push yourself up and swing the bat upwards at your desired speed.
  • Make sure, you only brush the ball.
  • Topspin depends on the speed of brushing the ball.


  • Don’t close the racket angle too much or keep it open too much. Maintain a balance that will come with practice.
  • Don’t play it slow because it will provide extra time for an opponent to anticipate it.

Backhand topspin table tennis technique

Table tennis backhand topspin is also important because you play it when the ball comes at your opposite hand. You play this shot with a backhand to avail the opportunity to get dominant in the rally. The Player uses less backhand topspin than the forehand topspin technique. All the rules are the same for learning this shot as a forehand topspin shot but only you have to reverse the body position like your left foot should be behind the right foot.

Topspin vs backspin table tennis

Topspin is more of an attacking shot as compared to backspin. When you are looking to defend, you will play a backspin shot. The opponent player will use a topspin shot against your backspin shot. That’s the general approach of the players. Players use topspin to nullify the effect of backspin on the ball.

Importance of topspin

Why topspin is important in table tennis? It is vital because it is an attacking stroke that minimizes the effect of the opponent’s backspin. You play this shot because it has speed and spin. Forehand topspin table tennis technique is used mostly. To tackle both these things at the same time proves to be tough. The opponent gets extra pressure when he has to anticipate the bounce and speed of the ball with its angle in milliseconds. It enforces an error. Topspin topples a rally.

By Afaq Cheema

Sports blogger.